Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

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A Case Study on the Home Cooking Movement—Legalization, Market, and Competition
Suraj Gurung, Jonathan Ritacco, Lijun Angelia Chen and John Lai
December 15, 2024
Keyword(s): Diffusion of innovation, economic systems and structures, Home Cooking Movement (HCM), legalization, Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO)
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q13; Q18

Engaging Students in Open Dialogue about Use of AI Tools in Economics Courses
Zoë Plakias
December 11, 2024
Keyword(s): Dialogue, conversation, student engagement, policy
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, O33

Expanding Undergraduate Research Experience: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons for the Future
April Athnos, Anna Josephson, Jeffrey D. Michler, and Lorin Rudin-Rush
December 11, 2024
Keyword(s): Data analysis, diversity, equity, inclusion, internships, teaching
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, C30, O13, Q10, Y20

Faculty Perspectives on Engaging Undergraduates in Agricultural and Applied Economics Research
John Lai, Jerrod Penn, and Misti Sharp
December 11, 2024
Keyword(s): High-impact learning, Mentorship, Student Outcomes, Undergraduate Research
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A11, A22

Textbook Review of: Equilibrium Displacement Models: Theory, Applications, and Policy Analysis. By Gary W. Brester, Joseph A. Atwood, and Michael A. Boland
George Davis, Andrew Keller, Henry Kinnucan, Mike McCullough, Hikaru Hanawa Peterson, et al.
December 11, 2024
Keyword(s): Equilibrium displacement models, policy
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q11, Q18

Reflecting on Using Reflection Exercises to Improve Student Learning and Teaching Effectiveness
Jaclyn D. Kropp
December 11, 2024
Keyword(s): Experiential learning, Reflective learning, Teaching effectiveness
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22; A20

Applied Economic Models of Commodity and Input Markets to Assess Prices, Quantities, Farm and Other Input Supplier Impacts, and Consumer and Taxpayer Costs
Joe Dewbre, Wyatt Thompson, Sera Chiuchiarelli
December 10, 2024
Keyword(s): Market model, market equilibrium, agricultural supplier impacts, corn, hogs, pork, winners and losers
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A29, Q02, Q11

An Ignatian Pedagogical Approach to Fostering Conversations on BIPOC Farmland Ownership Through Film Screenings
Jacquelyn D. Wiersma-Mosley, Trey Malone, Logan G. Moss, and Wendell Scales Jr.
December 4, 2024
Keyword(s): Agribusiness management, BIPOC farmland ownership, Ignatian pedagogical paradigm, Pedagogy
JEL Classification: A2, J15, Q15

Using NetLogo to Build an Agent-Based Model for Teaching Purposes at the Graduate Student Level
Bryan Collins and Chyi-Lyi (Kathleen) Liang
December 4, 2024
Keyword(s): Agent-based model, NetLogo, system analysis
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: C0, D0, E0

Educational Materials Addressing Industry and Market Developments: Introduction to the Special Issue
David Hall
November 27, 2024
Keyword(s): Agri-food industry, teaching, learning, technological change, regulatory affairs
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A2, Q1, Q11, Q13, Q14, Q16, Q18

Integrating Agricultural Research into Undergraduate Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Courses
Risti Permani, Md Khairul Hidayatullah Basir, Kodrad Winarno, Bisakha Dewan,
November 20, 2024
Keyword(s): Agricultural research, Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, undergraduate, and Work Integrated Learning
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, A22

From Zero to Thesis in Two Years: A Curriculum Plan for Engaging Undergraduates in Honors Research
Caleb Stair, Xumin Zhang and Misti Sharp
November 20, 2024
Keyword(s): Honors program, mentoring, project management, thesis, undergraduate research
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A11, A22

Undergraduate Research Opportunities in an Applied Economics Program: Expanding Pathways for Economics Majors (and Beyond) at Land-Grant HBCUs
Huan Li, Lyubov Kurkalova, Scott Simkins and Shona Morgan
November 20, 2024
Keyword(s): Applied economics, HBCU, in-class and out-of-class pathways, undergraduate research, UREs
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, I23, J24

Undergraduate Research in the Andes: Overcoming Barriers to Developing-Country Farm-Household Focused Analysis
Jeffrey Alwang, Victor Barrera, Darrell Bosch, Susan Chen, Jorge A. Delgado, et al.
November 6, 2024
Keyword(s): Undergraduate student research, Ecuador, Conservation Agriculture
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, O13

Unraveling the Reintroduction of Hemp in the United States: A Case Study of the Supply and Demand During the (Re)Birth of an Industry
Jonathan D. Shepherd, Rebecca Hill, William Snell, Tyler Mark, Jane Kolodinsky and Hannah Lacasse
November 1, 2024
Keyword(s): Demand, hemp, policy, supply
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13

The Kingmaker: Effective Teaching Approaches to Agricultural Policy
Logan L. Britton and Nellie Hill-Sullins
October 22, 2024
Keyword(s): Agricultural Policy, Student Learning, Pedagogy, Phenomenology, Teaching
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, Q18, Q19

Undergraduate Applied Microeconomic Research with Demographic and Health Surveys
Seth R. Gitter, Chris M. Boyd, and Raissa Abbasi
October 22, 2024
Keyword(s): Demographic health surveys, development, undergraduate research
JEL Classification: 012

Responsible Conduct of Research for Graduate Students: What Should They Know?
Nixon S. Chekeny and Sukant Misra
October 21, 2024
Keyword(s): Graduate students, research misconduct, social sciences
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A11, B41, Q10

Innovate to Lead: Curriculum Innovations to Meet Students’ Needs in Applied Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Programs
Rachna Tewari , Na Zuo, Maria Bampasidou, Anthony Delmond, Lijiao Hu, Tanner McCarty, et al.
October 18, 2024
Keyword(s): Curriculum, global, higher education, innovation
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, A22, A23, O3, Q00

Students’ Attitudes Toward Cooperative Learning in Online Classes
Carola Grebitus
October 9, 2024
Keyword(s): Active learning, cooperative learning, group projects, online teaching, and research-based teaching
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A2

Dare to Experiment: The Synergistic Relationship Between Undergraduate Research and Experimental Economics
Carl Nelson-Poteet , Lusi Xie, Kent D. Messer, and Leah H. Palm-Forster
September 25, 2024
Keyword(s): Diversity, experimental economics, mentoring, pipeline, undergraduate research
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, C9, D9, Q2, Q5

Analyzing and Visualization of Data: A Team Project in an Undergraduate Course Evaluating Food Insecurity in U.S. Households
Yanhong Jin, Mattias Arrindell, Shannon Austin, Leann Benny, Jason Campbell, Qihong Chen, et al.
September 17, 2024
Keyword(s): Food insecurity, data analytics, infographic, data visualization
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, C8, I30

Nudging Agricultural Business Students into Successful Online Networking
Anthony R. Delmond
September 17, 2024
Keyword(s): Networking, nudge theory, professional branding, professional development, social media
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, M50, J43

Creating and Implementing Undergraduate Research Experiences: An Example for Analyzing the Size, Structure, and Performance of U.S. Food Manufacturing Industries
Yuliya V. Bolotova, Luke Juffer, Haylie Moore
August 12, 2024
Keyword(s): Business consulting, Extension, food manufacturing, teaching, undergraduate research
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A2, L66, Q13

Integrating Mixed Methods and Service-Learning in Undergraduate Education in Applied Research Methods: A Course Preparing Students to Address Complex Social Issues
David Conner
August 12, 2024
Keyword(s): Mixed methods, service-learning, transdisciplinary, Vermont, wicked problems
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22

Expanding Beyond Case Studies in Postgraduate Agribusiness Teaching to Enhance Experiential Benefits and Student/Teacher Outcomes
Alexandra Peralta, Craig Johns, and Adam Loch
August 12, 2024
Keyword(s): Agribusiness experiences, case studies, education, industry engagement, internships, study tours
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, A23, Q13

Game-Based Learning in Extension Education: An Assessment of the Impact on Consumer Learning and Behavior
Cristina Connolly and Stacey Stearns
July 10, 2024
Keyword(s): Extension education, game-based learning, genetic modification
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A29, Q10, Q13, Q16

Bringing Behavioral Change Education to Life: Incorporating Healthy Eating into College Classroom Teaching
Yanhong Jin, Mary L. Wagner, Yuxi Lei and Marion Reinson
July 9, 2024
Keyword(s): Behavioral change, breakfast, college students, Healthy Eating Challenge
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: I12, A22, D91

FIRE Sustainability Analytics: An Innovative Approach to Engaging Undergraduate Students in Economics Research
Thanich Ruangmas and Lars J. Olson
June 26, 2024
Keyword(s): Course-based undergraduate research experience, data analytics, higher-order proficiencies, sustainability, teaching applied economics
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, C8, Q2, Q5

Minority-Owned Agricultural Businesses and Challenges with the Paycheck Protection Program: Seeking Ways to Reach Farmers
Kevin Kim, Ana Claudia Sant’Anna and Iryna Demko
June 24, 2024
Keyword(s): Access to credit, Paycheck Protection Program, Minority farmers
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: G18, J15, Q14

Promoting Sustainable Products in Dry Consumer Packaged Goods: What Should a Grocer Do?
Michael A. Boland, Xiaowei Zhang
May 22, 2024
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, coffee, fair trade, food, grocery, retail supermarket
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, Q13

A Commentary on Extension Programming: An Overview of the Costs and Benefits of Patch-Burn Grazing Extension Program Development Through the Use of a Logic Model
Hannah M. Baker and Hannah E. Shear
May 22, 2024
Keyword(s): Cattle, Extension program development, graduate student, logic model, patch-burn grazing, rangeland management
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A10, Q15

Engaging Undergraduate Students in Research: From Cross-Discipline Programs to Published Articles
Gal Hochman and Yanhong Jin
May 22, 2024
Keyword(s): Cross-discipline programs, research outputs, skill training, undergraduate research
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, I26

Renaissance Ag: Identifying the Who, How, and Where of Marketing a New Technology
Chanden Westover and Tanner McCarty
February 23, 2024
Keyword(s): Feed, hydroponics, marketing, strategy, target market
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q12, Q13

Risk Management Education for Executives in the Food and Agriculture Industry
Emily Garwood and Brian K. Coffey
February 23, 2024
Keyword(s): Executive education, industry outreach, risk management
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A29, D81

A Brief History of Giffen Behavior and an Applicable Student Example
Mark Holmgren
January 28, 2024
Keyword(s): Giffen behavior, intermediate microeconomic theory, procrastination
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, D11, D12

Are We Similar? Differences in Grading Patterns among Departments in the Same College
Anna Yeritsyan and James W. Mjelde
January 27, 2024
Keyword(s): Grade inflation, student characteristics, instructor characteristics, higher education
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: I23

We Need to Talk About Curriculum Innovation
Roger Brown, Jennifer Clark, Rachna Tewari
January 26, 2024
Keyword(s): Award, curriculum, information, public good, survey
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, D82, H41, Q00

Benefit-Cost Analysis Decision Criteria: Reconciling Conflicting Advice
David J. Pannell, Hoa-Thi-Minh Nguyen, Hoang Long Chu, Tom Kompas, Abbie Rogers
January 26, 2024
Keyword(s): Benefit:cost ratio, cost-benefit analysis, decision making, internal rate of return, net present value, prioritization
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, D61, G11, H43, O22

Adopting Precision Input Management: A Teaching Case Study
Cheryl Wachenheim, Erik Hanson
January 20, 2024
Keyword(s): Case study, exercise, partial budgeting, precision agriculture
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: D14, Q12

Market Power in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova
January 19, 2024
Keyword(s): Beef packing industry, marketing margins, oligopoly, oligopsony, price-fixing
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: L1, L2, L4, L13

Teaching The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Mixed Motive Bargaining Simulation Game
Anukul Bhattari and George C. Davis
January 8, 2024
Keyword(s): Corporate social responsibility, mixed motive bargaining game
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A22, C71, C78, D78

Equity and Inclusion as Cornerstones for Building Academic Programs in Agricultural and Applied Economics
Kenrett Jefferson-Moore, Lurleen Walters, and Del Ruff
January 2, 2024
Keyword(s): Academic programs, diversity, equity, inclusion
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q00, M14

Financial Ratios of the U.S. Grocery Sector in a Changing Industry Landscape
Carlos J.O. Trejo-Pech and Susan White
January 1, 2024
Keyword(s): Agribusiness finance, financial ratios, food retail, grocery firms, managerial finance
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: G30, G34, Q13, Q14, M21, A22, A23

Mountain States Oilseeds: Can Contracts Enhance Safflower Seed Procurement?
Jameson Packer, Tanner McCarty, and Ryan Feuz
December 21, 2023
Keyword(s): Agricultural contracting, marketing, safflower seed, strategy
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q12, Q13

Agribusiness Study Abroad Programs and Their Potential for Fostering a More Inclusive Climate
Timothy A. Delbridge
December 16, 2023
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, cultural competence, diversity, inclusivity, study abroad
JEL Classification: A22, Q10, Q13

Awareness and Usage of Extension and Outreach Programs
Julian M. Worley, William B. Banks, William Secor, Benjamin L. Campbell
December 15, 2023
Keyword(s): Cooperative extension, outreach programs, extension awareness
JEL Classification: Q16

Does Exam Formatting Affect Grades in Online Agricultural Marketing Courses?
Juan Pachon, Bachir Kassas, John Lai, Gulcan Onel
December 14, 2023
Keyword(s): Bloom’s Taxonomy, exam formatting, online learning, student performance
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: A20, A22

Training Underrepresented Students via an Interdisciplinary Food Safety Outreach Program
Jeta Rudi-Polloshka, Amanda Lathrop, Karen Cannon and Erin Krier
December 13, 2023
Keyword(s): Diversity, food safety, outreach, students
JEL Classification: A12, A21, A22, A23

Market Power in the U.S. Peanut Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova
December 12, 2023
Keyword(s): Farm support programs, oligopsony, oversupply, peanuts, price-fixing
JEL Classification: L1, L2, L4, Q13

To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild When Disaster Hits
Jada M. Thompson, Misti D. Sharp, and Jonathan C. Walton
December 11, 2023
Keyword(s): Decision-making, leadership, management, poultry
JEL Classification: Q454

Demand Dashboards: Interactive Tools to Communicate Consumer Behavior
Justin D. Bina and Glynn T. Tonsor
November 27, 2023
Keyword(s): Dashboard, extension education, meat demand
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q11, Q13, Q19

Contemporary Adjustments Needed to Teaching Water Economics in Light of Changes Facing the Water Sector and Its Users: Introduction to the Special Issue
Ariel Dinar and Mehdi Nemati
August 16, 2023
Keyword(s): Climate change, demand management, groundwater, graduate and undergraduate teaching, interdisciplinary teaching, water economics curriculum
JEL Classification: A2, Q15, Q2, Q25

Teaching Water Economics Using Dynamics and a Political Economy Framework
David Zilberman, Scott Kaplan, Alice Huang, Lanie Goldberg
August 16, 2023
Keyword(s): Allocation, benefit-cost analysis, environment, evolution, political economy, water
JEL Classification: Q25, Q55, Q12, R12, P14

Reconciling Theory and Practice in Higher Education Water Economics Courses
Roy Brouwer
August 15, 2023
Keyword(s): Collaboration, education, interdisciplinarity, water challenges, water economics
JEL Classification: A220, Q225

Teaching Principles of Water Economics to Non-Economists: Lessons from California
Mehdi Nemati and Ariel Dinar
August 14, 2023
Keyword(s): California, non-economist, policy, teaching, water economics, water literacy
JEL Classification: A22, L95, Q25, Q51, Q53, Q58

Innovations for the Water Resource Economics Curriculum: Training the Next Generation
Frank A. Ward
August 12, 2023
Keyword(s): Agricultural and Applied Economics, diversity, equity, inclusion
JEL Classification: A10, A11, A12, A13, A2, A20, A23, J7, M5, O10, Q00, Q10, R00

Teaching Water Resource Economics for Policy Analysis
Bonnie Colby
August 11, 2023
Keyword(s): Cost-benefit analysis, externalities, neurobehavior, public goods, risk, water resources
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q15, Q25

Teaching Water and Sanitation Economics and Policy with a Focus on Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Dale Whittington and Duncan Andrew Thomas
August 10, 2023
Keyword(s): Water, sanitation, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector, massive open online courses, MOOCs, low- and middle-income countries
JEL Classification: I23, L95, Q25

Teaching Water Economics by Building Problem-Based Case Studies
David Zetland
August 9, 2023
Keyword(s): Case studies, problem-based learning, teaching, water, x-disciplinary
JEL Classification: A12, A22, B52, Q25, Q5

Teaching Water Economics in a Desert Environment
Slim Zekri
August 8, 2023
Keyword(s): Demand management, supply augmentation, water markets, desalination, water energy-nexus
JEL Classification: Q1, Q2 and Q5

Solving Optimal Groundwater Problems with Excel
Christopher A. Wada, Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin, James A. Roumasset, and Kimberly M. Burnett
August 7, 2023
Keyword(s): Coastal aquifers, dynamic optimization, Excel Solver, groundwater management, sustainable yield
JEL Classification: A2, A22, Q2, Q25

Simulating a Water Market: An In-Class Activity to Compare Market Efficiency under Various Institutions and Relative Advantages of Agents
Kyle D. Wilson
August 6, 2023
Keyword(s): Active learning, classroom game, economics education, water economics, water markets
JEL Classification: A22, Q25, D47

Water and Economics: Why We Need and Ought to Teach Water Economics in the Modern Economics Curriculum
Mohammad Mashiur Rahman, Samrat Kunwar, Niraj Khatiwada, Mengqi Liu, Alok Bohara, Jingjin Wang
August 4, 2023
Keyword(s): Current water economics courses, teaching strategies, water economics teaching, water topics
JEL Classification: Q25, I2

Reimagining Teaching Water Issues through Integrative Experiential Learning
Samrat B. Kunwar, Niraj Khatiwada, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman, Mengqi Liu, Swati Thapa,
August 3, 2023
Keyword(s): Community outreach, experiential learning, interdisciplinary teaching, problem-based learning, water
JEL Classification: JEL Codes: Q25, I20

Teaching Price Elasticity of Demand and Marginal Analysis using Household Water Pricing
Eric Edwards , Sara A. Sutherland, Anastasia W. Thayer
August 2, 2023
Keyword(s): conservation pricing, graduate teaching, undergraduate teaching, urban water
JEL Classification: A20, Q25

Feature Article: Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession
Donald Hirasuna, Dawn Thilmany, Andrew Muhammad, Deacue Fields, and Spiro Stefanou
April 11, 2023
Keyword(s): Agricultural and Applied Economics, diversity, equity, inclusion
JEL Classification: A10, A11, A12, A13, A2, A20, A23, J7, M5, O10, Q00, Q10, R00

Principles of Economics, the Survivor Edition
Alina F. Klein and Rudolf F. Klein
March 13, 2023
Keyword(s): Alternative teaching styles, economics education, principles of economics, Survivor
JEL Classification: A22, B21, B22, D10, E00, F10, P00

AgEcon Search: Bringing the World to the Classroom
Linda Eells, Shannon Farrell, and Julia Kelly
March 9, 2023
Keyword(s): Bibliodiversity, equity, open access, open educational resources, publishing ecosystems, scholarly communication
JEL Classification: A2, A30, D63, Q00

Market Power in the U.S. Dairy Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova
March 6, 2023
Keyword(s): Antitrust, Capper-Volstead Act, dairy cooperatives, seller market power, supply management, Sherman Act
JEL Classification: L1, L2, L4, Q13

How to Thrive in Agricultural Economics PhD Programs: SAEA Emerging Scholar Award Winners’ Experience and Advice
Ruiqing Miao, Jerrod Penn, and Loka L. Ashwood
February 28, 2023
Keyword(s): agricultural economics, early career, emerging scholar, mentoring, PhD students, time management
JEL Classification: A11, A23

Implementing Theory-Based Mentoring and Experiential Learning to Ease Undergraduate Multicultural Scholarship Recipients Transition from Community Colleges to a Large Research Institution
Jaclyn D. Kropp and Danielle Shu
January 24, 2023
Keyword(s): Diversity, Experiential Learning, Inclusion, Mentoring, Scholarship, Transfer Students
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Recommendations for Contextualizing and Facilitating Class Conversations about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Social Justice
Donald A. Saucier, Noah D. Renken, Ashley A. Schiffer, and Tucker L. Jones
January 23, 2023
Keyword(s): Conversations, diversity, empathy, engagement, social justice
JEL Classification: A220

An Evaluation of Undergraduate Student Diversity Experiences in the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University
Lonnie Hobbs, Jr., Zelia Z. Wiley, Raymond Thomas, Summer Santillana, Andrew Barkley
January 9, 2023
Keyword(s): Diversity, diversity experience, diversity programming, inclusion, student success
JEL Classification: A2, D63, D91

Hedonic Price Analysis of Used Tractors
Ryan Feuz
December 20, 2022
Keyword(s): Hedonic regression, misspecification, ordinary least squares, tractor prices
JEL Classification: A22, A23, D12, Q13

Impacts of Teaching Modality on U.S. COVID-19 Spread in Fall 2020 Semester
Syed Badruddoza and Modhurima Dey Amin
December 20, 2022
Keyword(s): College, COVID-19, online, teaching modality, United States, university
JEL Classification: A23, I18, I23

Milner Ranch: Is the Grass Greener in Processing?
Hwangwon Lee, Tanner McCarty, Anastasia Thayer, and Ryan Larsen
December 6, 2022
Keyword(s): Cattle, firm boundary, marketing, processing, strategy
JEL Classification: Q12, Q13

Job Attribute Preferences of Undergraduate Agricultural Majors—Do They Match with Careers in Grain Merchandising?
Keith D. Harris and Brian C. Briggeman
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Conjoint survey, grain merchandising, job preferences, willingness to accept
JEL Classification: A22, Q10, Q13

Assessing Student Learning Using a Digital Grading Platform
Andrew W. Stevens
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Assessment, digital grading, student learning objectives
JEL Classification: A20, A12

Calculating and Interpreting Percentage Changes for Economic Analysis
Matthew A. Andersen
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Growth rates, percentage change
JEL Classification: A20, C02

Enhancing the Teaching of Product Substitutes/Complements: A Pedagogical Note on Diversion Ratios
Oral Capps, Jr. and Senarath Dharmasena
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Diversion ratios, demand systems, cross-price elasticities, identification of next-best substitutes
JEL Classification: D10, D11, D12, D19

Teaching Undergraduate Economics: Emphasize Early the Meaning of Vertical Distances and of Their Summation Over Quantities
Matthew G. Interis
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Graphing, principles, teaching, welfare
JEL Classification: A22, D600

Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers
Erik Hanson and Michael Boland
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, consolidation, cooperatives, health, safety
JEL Classification: I1, L1, Q1, Q13

Let's take a moment to celebrate great teaching!
James A. Sterns
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): AAEA, archival review, biases, teaching awards
JEL Classification: A22, Q0

Moneyball in the Academy: Whiffing on the Quality of Education?
Paul N. Wilson
November 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Faculty evaluation, quality of education, responsibility-centered management, teaching
JEL Classification: A20, A12

The Empathetic Course Design Perspective
Donald A. Saucier, Tucker L. Jones, Ashley A. Schiffer, and Noah D. Renken
September 27, 2022
Keyword(s): Course design, empathy, engagement, pedagogy
JEL Classification: A220

Who Fills the Seats? Offering Extra Credit and Instructor Perceptions of Who Will Attend
Joshua J. Lewer, Colin Corbett, Tanya M. Marcum, and Jannett Highfill
September 21, 2022
Keyword(s): Decision-making, extra credit, perceptions, student effort model
JEL Classification: A20, D01, Q81, I21

Building Up the Next Generation of Extension Specialists
Tori L. Marshall, Amy D. Hagerman, Hannah E. Shear, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Becca B.R. Jablonski
August 30, 2022
Keyword(s): Extension education, graduate student training, mentoring
JEL Classification: A29, Q1, Q12

The Role of Mentoring in Increasing New Extension Faculty Success Rates
Amy D. Hagerman, Tori L. Marshall, Martha J. Sullins, and Kenneth H. Burdine
August 29, 2022
Keyword(s): Extension education, faculty retention, mentoring, semi-structured interviews
JEL Classification: A29, Q16

Challenges with Developing an Extension Program for Markets Evolving under an Uncertain Framework: Lessons from Program Development for Carbon and Hemp Markets
Charley C. Martinez, S. Aaron Smith, Tyler Mark, and Paul Goeringer
August 28, 2022
Keyword(s): Carbon markets, Extension, hemp, new markets, programming
JEL Classification: Q13, Q15, Q16, Q19

Linking Research and Practice: The Role of Extension on Agritourism Development in the United States
Claudia Schmidt, Lisa Chase, Carla Barbieri, Ellie Rilla, Doolarie Singh Knights, Dawn Thilmany, Sta
August 27, 2022
Keyword(s): Agritourism, Extension, Community Development
JEL Classification: Q10, Q19

Extension Program Development for Early Career Faculty
Melissa G.S. McKendree and Mykel R. Taylor
August 26, 2022
Keyword(s): Career advice, Extension, graduate students, mentorship
JEL Classification: A23, Q10, Q16

A Research-Based Extension Curriculum to Improve Negotiation Skills and Outcomes for Agricultural Stakeholders
Christopher Bastian, Hernan Tejeda, Patrick Hatzenbuehler, Kate Binzen Fuller, John Hewlett, Ashlee
August 22, 2022
Keyword(s): Adult education, agricultural negotiations, bargaining, Extension pedagogy
JEL Classification: A29, Q1, Q12

On the Strategic Creation of Extension and Outreach Content in a New Media Environment
Trey Malone, Jim Monahan, Katie Nicpon, K. Aleks Schaefer, and Madelyn Cary
June 30, 2022
Keyword(s): New media, outreach-bases research, podcasts
JEL Classification: A20, L82

Extension Programming During a Pandemic: The Cooperative Director Foundations Program
Michael A. Boland, Christopher J. Kopka, Keri L. Jacobs, Courtney Berner, Brian C. Briggeman, Matthe
June 29, 2022
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, cooperatives, education, Extension, learning, online
JEL Classification: A29, Q13, Q16

Can We Foster the Future of Extension through (Friendly) Competition? The Past, Present, and Future of the Graduate Student Extension Competition
Aaron J. Staples, Carlos A. Fontanilla-Diaz, Kate Binzen Fuller, and Maria I. Marshall
June 28, 2022
Keyword(s): Extension mentorship, Extension pedagogy, adult education, outreach
JEL Classification: A23, Q00, R00

Teaching Forward Contracts in Undergraduate Courses in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Programs
Yuliya V. Bolotova
June 27, 2022
Keyword(s): Cattle, dairy, hogs, market coordination, risk management
JEL Classification: Q02, Q12, Q13

Nurturing International Graduate Students for a More Diversified and Inclusive Extension Workforce
Yangxuan Liu and Wendong Zhang
June 27, 2022
Keyword(s): Economic education; Extension; diversity, graduate education; international graduate student; land-grant university
JEL Classification: A23, Q16, Q18

Cross-Hedging in the Classroom: Engaging Students Scholarly Extension Output
Joel Cuffey, Wenyig Li, Wendiam Sawadgo, and Adam Rabinowitz
June 26, 2022
Keyword(s): Cross-hedging, Extension education, undergraduate teaching
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Engaged Learning: Linking Course Instruction and Extension Programming
Todd M. Schmit, Richard Stamm, and Roberta M. Severson
June 25, 2022
Keyword(s): Cooperatives, engaged learning, Extension programming, undergraduate teaching
JEL Classification: A22, D70, J54, P13, Q13

Price-Fixing in the U.S. Broiler Chicken and Pork Industries
Yuliya V. Bolotova
May 26, 2022
Keyword(s): Broilers, oligopoly, pork, price-fixing, Sherman Act
JEL Classification: L1, L2, L4, L66, Q13

Economic Dynamics in the Beef Food Supply Chain under Pandemic Conditions
Grace Melo, Luis Pena-Levano, and Kori Luengo
May 25, 2022
Keyword(s): Case study, beef, processed food, meat supply, marketing channel, multi-sector model
JEL Classification: A22, A23, A30, Q13, Q11

Coordinating Environmental and Trade Policy to Protect the Environment: A Pedagogical Approach
Patrik T. Hultberg and Darshana Udayanganie
April 26, 2022
Keyword(s): Keywords: Environment, international trade, teaching of economics
JEL Classification: A20, F18, Q58

Trading Commodity Futures and Options in a Student-Managed Fund
Matthew A. Diersen and Zhiguang Wang
March 24, 2022
Keyword(s): Broker, commodities, experiential learning, speculation
JEL Classification: A22, A23, Q02

Adaptation of Teaching Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Luis Moisés Peña-Lévano and Grace Melo
March 22, 2022
Keyword(s): Active learning, evaluation, online tools, student engagement, teaching, teaching innovations
JEL Classification: A22, A30

Nudge or Sludge? An In-Class Experimental Auction Illustrating How Misunderstood Scientific Information Can Change Consumer Behavior
Laura A. Paul, Olesya M. Savchenko, Maik Kecinski, and Kent D. Messer
March 11, 2022
Keyword(s): Behavioral economics, classroom game, experiential learning, informational nudge, second-price auction, willingness-to-accept
JEL Classification: A20, D82, D83, D90, D91, Q25, Q28

Negotiating for a Grain Elevator Purchase: Valuations of Willingness to Buy and Willingness to Sell
Austin Liepold, Marin Bozic, and Michael A. Boland
February 10, 2022
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, case study, finance, oats, net present value
JEL Classification: A21, M21, Q14

Why No Debt? A FRICTO Analysis of the Capital Structure of Cal-Maine Foods Inc.
Carlos J.O. Trejo-Pech and Susan White
February 10, 2022
Keyword(s): Agribusiness finance, cage-free eggs, corporate finance, optimal capital structure
JEL Classification: G30, G31, M21

The Knowledge and Skills Required to Be a Successful Entrepreneur
Luis Alberto Sandoval
February 7, 2022
Keyword(s): Data literacy, entrepreneurship, innovation, resilience, Zamorano, risk
JEL Classification: A20, L26, N36

Using Music to Teach Agricultural, Applied, and Environmental Economics
Matthew C. Rousu, Mark Melichar, and Bailey Hackenberry
November 3, 2021
Keyword(s): Teaching, economics education, music
JEL Classification: A2, A20, A22

Market Power in the United States Potato Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova
October 18, 2021
Keyword(s): Antitrust, Capper-Volstead Act, cooperatives, potato industry, price-fixing, seller market power, supply management, Sherman Act
JEL Classification: L1, L2, L4, Q13

Structure, Flexibility, and Consistency: A Dynamic Learning Approach for an Online Asynchronous Course
Julien Picault
October 11, 2021
Keyword(s): Asynchronous, economics, group learning, online teaching, videos, teaching
JEL Classification: A20, A22

High Stakes: Managing Risk and Policy Uncertainty in the Market for CBD Food Products
Andrew W. Stevens and Joy M. Pahl
October 4, 2021
Keyword(s): CBD, hemp, risk, start-up, uncertainty
JEL Classification: A22, M13, Q13, Q14, Q18

Integrating Experiential Learning into a Food Systems Framework: An Application to Promote Food Deserts and Food Access Concepts Among College Students
Renee Shaw Hughner, Claudia Dumitrescu, Lauren Chenarides, Christopher Wharton, and Gina Lacagnina
September 20, 2021
Keyword(s): Cross-disciplinary, education, food access, food deserts, food marketing, food systems
JEL Classification: A, I

Teaching by the Case Method to Enhance Graduate Students Understanding and Assessment of Wicked-Type Problems: An Application Involving the Bears Ears National Monument
Amanda J. Harker Steele and John C. Bergstrom
September 15, 2021
Keyword(s): Bears Ears National Monument, case method, economic valuation, quantitative and qualitative decision making, student learning, and wicked-type problems
JEL Classification: A20, A23, Q30, Q38

What does the pandemic mean for experiential learning? Lessons from Latin America
Grace Melo, Dérgica Sanhueza, Sarahi Morales, and Luis Peña-Lévano
September 7, 2021
Keyword(s): Agricultural sciences, educational plans, experiential learning, online education
JEL Classification:

Learning about Consumer Demand from Student Surveys
Scott M. Swinton
July 21, 2021
Keyword(s): Active learning, demand curve, student survey, teaching microeconomics, willingness to pay
JEL Classification: A22, D12, Y1

Tractable Cubic Cost Functions for Teaching Microeconomics
Scott M. Swinton and Hanzhe Zhang
June 2, 2021
Keyword(s): Cubic cost function, marginal cost, profit maximization
JEL Classification: A22, D00, D22

The Future of Four Creeks Farm: Scale-Up, Diversify, or Exit?
Olesya M. Savchenko, Patrick M. Fleming, and Kellie Zambito
June 2, 2021
Keyword(s): Agricultural policy, family-owned dairy farms, government policy, PESTEL analysis, strategic planning, U.S. dairy industry
JEL Classification: A22, Q13, Q18

Market Power in the Fluid Milk Industry in the Eastern United States
Yuliya V. Bolotova
May 26, 2021
Keyword(s): Antitrust, Capper-Volstead Act, cooperatives, fluid milk industry, Federal Milk Marketing Orders, margins, oligopoly, oligopsony, price-fixing, Sherman Act
JEL Classification: L1, L2, L4, L66, Q13

Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Grant Writing for Ag/Applied Economists to Engage in Interdisciplinary Studies
Chyi-Lyi Liang, Siân Mooney, Lyubov Kurkalova, D. Keith Roper, and Leila Hashemi-Beni
May 24, 2021
Keyword(s): Early career scholars, grant collaboration, grant writing, interdisciplinary, proposal
JEL Classification: A10

Seeds of Learning: Uncertainty and Technology Adoption in an Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Game
Babatunde Abidoye, Sahan T.M. Dissanayake, and Sarah A. Jacobson
May 22, 2021
Keyword(s): Classroom game, climate change adaptation, ecosystem-based adaptation, payments for ecosystem services, technology adoption, uncertainty
JEL Classification: A20, D80, Q16, Q54, Q56, Q58

Managing a Multiuse Resource with Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Classroom Game
Lauriane S. Yehouenou, Stephen N. Morgan, and Kelly A. Grogan
April 22, 2021
Keyword(s): Classroom, ecosystem services, experiments, natural resource management, payments for ecosystem services
JEL Classification: A22, Q23, Q57

Making Learning about Climate Change Fun and Interactive
Misti D. Sharp and Jada M. Thompson
April 22, 2021
Keyword(s): Classroom, ecosystem services, experiments, natural resource management, payments for ecosystem services
JEL Classification: A13, A22, C91, D91, H41, P26, Q54, Q58

Course-Related Student Anxiety During COVID-19: A Problem and Some Solutions
Roger Brown, Steve Buck, Michelle Kibler, Jerrod Penn, and Na Zuo
April 18, 2021
Keyword(s): Anxiety, COVID-19, and online learning
JEL Classification: A12, A22

The Feasibility of Investing in a High-Speed Grain-Handling Facility in Kansas
Pedro Masi and Keith Harris
March 30, 2021
Keyword(s): Shuttle loader, grain-handling facility, investment, rural development, agricultural finance
JEL Classification: Q13, Q14

Impact of COVID-19 Related Transition to Online Instruction on Student Achievement
Jason J. Holderieath, Michael K. Crosby, T. Eric McConnell, and D. Paul Jackson
March 25, 2021
Keyword(s): COVID-19, education, online course delivery, scholarship of learning
JEL Classification: A22

Teaching Principles of Microeconomics with the Economics Media Library
Kelsi Hobbs and Jadrian Wooten
March 22, 2021
Keyword(s): Economics education, media, movies, pop culture, television
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Obtaining Extension Stakeholder Input to Influence Extension Education Programming and Staffing Needs
Caitlinn B. Lineback, Melissa G.S. McKendree, Jeannine P. Schweihofer, and Daniel D. Buskirk
March 18, 2021
Keyword(s): Beef, extension, needs assessment, programming, staffing, survey
JEL Classification: Q10, Q16

No Honor Among Cheaters: A Prisoners Dilemma Approach to Reduce Cheating in Online Classes
Jeffrey S. Young
December 30, 2020
Keyword(s): Cheating, incentive structure, online higher education, Prisoner’s Dilemma
JEL Classification: A130, A22, A29, C72

Teaching about Diversity and Racism in Food Systems: An Example for Agricultural Economics and Related Departments
Jane Kolodinsky, Daniel Tobin
December 30, 2020
Keyword(s): Agriculture, food systems, race, racism, undergraduate education
JEL Classification: A22, D63, I3, J15

Insights from Asynchronous Lecture Viewing Behavior
Michael Black
December 29, 2020
Keyword(s): Asynchronous lectures, educations, learning experience
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Adapting to the Nontraditional Classroom: Lessons Learned from Agribusiness and Applied Economics Classes
Erik Hanson and Cheryl Wachenheim
December 28, 2020
Keyword(s): Classroom, distance learning, hybrid-flexible, teaching
JEL Classification: A22, Q00

So You Want to Run a Classroom Experiment Online? The Good, the Bad, and the Different
Stephen N. Morgan, Misti D. Sharp, and Kelly A. Grogan
December 18, 2020
Keyword(s): Active learning, economic experiments, online teaching, pit market, prisoner’s dilemma, public goods
JEL Classification: A22, A23, A29

Consolidation in the Farm Credit System: The Case of AgCountry and United
Erik D Hanson
December 18, 2020
Keyword(s): Agricultural finance, agricultural lending, consolidation, Farm Credit System, merger
JEL Classification: Q13, Q14

Evaluation of Learning Outcomes from Participation in a Student-Managed Commodity Investment Fund
A. Ford Ramsey and Olga Isengildina-Massa
December 14, 2020
Keyword(s): Commodities, experiential learning, finance, futures, investing
JEL Classification: A20, G11, Q02

Reflections in Adjusting to a Global Pandemic from a Regional Agribusiness Program
J. Ross Pruitt, Rachna Tewari, and Joseph E. Mehlhorn
December 10, 2020
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, COVID-19, online teaching, pandemic
JEL Classification: A22, Q10, Q13

Considerations for Economic Instruction in the Era of COVID-19
Thomas P. Zacharias and Keith J. Collins
December 10, 2020
Keyword(s): COVID-19, externality, free rider, information, market failure, public good
JEL Classification: A1, A2, D6, H4

The Do Now: A Simple, but Effective Active Learning Strategy
LaPorchia A. Collins
December 8, 2020
Keyword(s): Active learning, formative assessment, interactive lecture, self-efficacy
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Educating the Next Generation of Interdisciplinary Researchers to Tackle Global Sustainability Challenges: A Graduate Course 
Thomas W. Hertel
December 8, 2020
Keyword(s): Teaching applied economics, global economic analysis, interdisciplinary coursework, sustainability
JEL Classification: A23, Q11, Q20, Q30

A Commentary on Extension Education Programming: An Overview of the CattleTrace Extension Program and Graduate Extension Education
Hannah E. Shear
October 12, 2020
Keyword(s): Beef cattle, extension, program evaluation, traceability
JEL Classification: Q000

Developing R Shiny Web Applications for Extension Education

October 8, 2020
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, data analytics, extension, R Shiny, R Markdown, web applications
JEL Classification: A22, A29, Q13

A Fire Sale for an Incombustible Commodity: Entry and Exit in the Helium Market
Katherine Lacy, Elliott Parker, Olga Shapoval, and Todd Sørensen
October 6, 2020
Keyword(s): Entry, exit, firm supply, government intervention, helium, perfect competition
JEL Classification: A22, D21, Q31, W38

Curating Campus Support Resources to Provide Easy Access for All Students
Kristin Kiesel, Bwalya Lungu, and Mark Wilson
September 28, 2020
Keyword(s): Achievement gap, anxiety, learning outcomes student resources, support services, stress
JEL Classification: A30

Following Along or Falling Behind? An Analysis of Internet Access During Lab-Based University Classes
Timothy Delbridge, and Xiaowei Cai
September 24, 2020
Keyword(s): Computer labs, distraction, undergraduate teaching
JEL Classification: A2

Capital Budgeting Analysis of a Vertically Integrated Egg Firm: Conventional and Cage-Free Egg Production
Carlos J.O. Trejo-Pech and Susan White
September 23, 2020
Keyword(s): Agribusiness finance, cage-free eggs, capital budgeting, corporate finance, strategic management
JEL Classification: G30, G31, M21

Enhancing Student Engagement in a Changing Academic Environment-Tested Innovations for Traditional Classes and Online Teaching
Kristin Kiesel, Na Zuo, Zoë T. Plakias, Luis M. Peña-Lévano, Andrew Barkley, Katherine Lacy, Erik
July 30, 2020
Keyword(s): Active learning, large classes, online tools, student engagement, teaching innovations, undergraduate teaching
JEL Classification: A22, A30

Gold in Them Tha-R Hills: A Review of R Packages for Exploratory Data Analysis
Kota Minegishi and Taro Mieno
July 29, 2020
Keyword(s): Exploratory data analysis, data science, data visualization, R programming
JEL Classification: A2, Q1, Y1

Interacting with Agricultural Policy 280 Characters at a Time: Twitter in the Classroom
Julianne Treme
July 28, 2020
Keyword(s): Social media, networks, pedagogy, education, Twitter, teaching of economics
JEL Classification: A22

Making Business Statistics Come Alive: Incorporating Field Trial Data from a Cookstove Study into the Classroom
Andrew M. Simons
July 26, 2020
Keyword(s): Classroom integration, climate change, health, poverty, randomized controlled trial, teaching statistics
JEL Classification: A22, I15, O12, O13, Q56

How Do Students Allocate Their Time? An Application of Prospect Theory to Trade offs between Time Spent to Improve GPA Versus Time Spent on Other Activities
Brian K. Coffey, Andrew Barkley, Glynn T. Tonsor and Jesse B. Tack
July 8, 2020
Keyword(s): Teaching and learning, prospect theory, choice experiment, university students
JEL Classification: A22, I15, O12, O13, Q56

Convenient Economics: The Incorporation and Implications of Convenience in Market Equilibrium Analysis
George Davis
July 8, 2020
Keyword(s): Convenience, cost shifting, food, household production, scale economies, scope economies
JEL Classification: D1, D2

Facilitating Higher Order Learning: Examining Student Outcomes after a Course Redesign
Anna Josephson, Larry DeBoer, Dave Nelson, and Angelika Zissimopoulos
March 29, 2020
Keyword(s): Active learning, Bloom’s taxonomy, high-order taxonomy, macroeconomics, undergraduate instruction
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Teaching Information Literacy: A Case Study of the Ripple Effect in Teamwork
Christiane Schroeter, Lindsey Higgins, Hannah Hank, and Caitlin Stevenson
March 29, 2020
Keyword(s): Teamwork, information literacy, Kline’s team player inventory, active learning, team diversity
JEL Classification: I21, I23, A22, M31, Q13

Hedging with Futures: An Experiential Learning Game
John Michael Riley
March 28, 2020
Keyword(s): Experiential learning, futures, hedging, teaching
JEL Classification: A20, Q02, Q13

Using Data Analytics and Decision-Making Tools for Agribusiness Education
Matthew S. Elliott and Lisa M. Elliott
March 27, 2020
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, data analytics
JEL Classification: A22, A29, Q13

Personalizing Online Classes: The Use of Evaluation and Participation Tools
Luis Pena-Lavano
March 25, 2020
Keyword(s): Online, teaching, evaluation, active learning, learning interaction
JEL Classification: A20, A22

Flipping Together: A Collaborative Approach to a Flipped Class
Kasee L. Smith, Aaron J. Johnson, and Dain R. Johnson
January 6, 2020
Keyword(s): Active learning, collaboration, flipped classroom, flipped instruction, pedagogy
JEL Classification: M00, Q00

Case-Study Research Topics in Agribusiness Economics and Management
Michael Boland
December 31, 2019
Keyword(s): Agribusiness, agriculture, case-study research, economics, food, industrial organization, management
JEL Classification: Q13, L66

Government Cheese: A Case Study of Price Supports
Katherine Lacy, Todd Sørensen, Eric Gibbons
December 29, 2019
Keyword(s): Agricultural Policy, Government Cheese, Government Policy, Market Inefficiencies, Price Floor, Price Support
JEL Classification: A22, Q18, H50

The Ethical Choice: Confronting Ethical Dilemmas with Industry Participants in a Curriculum
Cheryl Wachenheim
December 28, 2019
Keyword(s): Agricultural sales, ethics
JEL Classification: A20

Even Robots Need a House: The Robotic Milking System Facility Investment Decision Case Study
Ryan Feuz, and Ryan Larsen
December 27, 2019
Keyword(s): Capital budgeting, capital vs. labor, robotic dairy
JEL Classification: A2, Q14, Q16

Outstanding Seniors: Where Have All the Young Men Gone?
Paul Wilson and Na Zuo
December 17, 2019
Keyword(s): Gender Gap, Outstanding Seniors, Undergraduate Education
JEL Classification: A22, Q10

The Project Manager / Private Contractor Approach to Group Assignments
Roger Brown, Na Zuo, Jordan Shockley, and Steven Buck
December 16, 2019
Keyword(s): Authentic learning, students, teaching, teamwork
JEL Classification: A22, A23, M12, Q00

Valuing College Graduate Attributes and Skills: Employer Willingness to Pay as Elicited through Design Valuation
Ryan Feuz and F. Bailey Norwood
December 11, 2019
Keyword(s): Academic advising, human resources, interval-censored data, non-market valuation
JEL Classification: A20, Q19

An Authentic Learning Approach to Group Assignments: An Analysis of Student Attitudes
Roger Brown, Na Zuo, Jordan Shockley, and Steven Buck
December 10, 2019
Keyword(s): Authentic learning, students, teaching, teamwork
JEL Classification: A22, A23, M12, Q00

Teaching Competition Topics: Applications of Seller Market Power in Agricultural Industries
Yuliya V. Bolotova
September 30, 2019
Keyword(s): Agricultural marketing, competition, peanut industry, potato industry, seller market power
JEL Classification: L11, L22, Q11, Q13

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