Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

Agribusiness Study Abroad Programs and Their Potential for Fostering a More Inclusive Climate

Timothy A. Delbridge(a)
(a)Oregon State University

JEL Codes: A22, Q10, Q13
Keywords: Agribusiness, cultural competence, diversity, inclusivity, study abroad

First Published Online: December 16, 2023
Volume 5, Issue 4

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Study abroad programs can make meaningful contributions to undergraduate agribusiness education and can be designed and executed to effectively contribute to a campus and departmental culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). To be most effective in furthering goals of inclusive excellence, program faculty should understand the unique challenges and opportunities associated with agribusiness-focused study abroad programs and common barriers to participation of underrepresented minority (URM) students. This article describes the experience of faculty and staff during the program design, scholarship fundraising, and student recruitment for an “Agribusiness in Mexico” program at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly). This case shows how insights and evidence from the literature on inclusivity in study abroad programs relate to the needs of agribusiness industry employers for improved cultural and linguistic competency among their workforces. The article offers specific conclusions and recommendations for program development related to location and topic of study, securing industry involvement and financial support for the program, and establishing scholarship and program timelines that minimize barriers for students with financial need.

About the Author: Timothy A. Delbridge is an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University. Acknowledgments: The author would like to acknowledge the consistent support and guidance of Sara Otis and Cari Vanderkar from the Cal Poly International Center, and the helpful discussions on this topic with Karen Muñoz-Christian and Silvia Marijuan.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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