Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association


Aims and Scope

Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. The aim of the journal is to provide an inclusive outlet for research, teaching and Extension education scholarship encompassing but not limited to research articles, case studies, classroom games, commentaries, experiential learning, and pedagogy.  The goal is to support and advance teaching and Extension education within the scholarly areas of agricultural and applied economics, and agribusiness economics and management. AETR seeks to publish articles that are diverse in both scope and authorship. It serves as a platform for addressing and contributing to our understanding of important societal issues, including inequality and discrimination, as well as how shifts in pedagogy (e.g., growing reliance on remote and hybrid learning modalities) may impact accessibility and inclusion.

The journal is online and open access through Agecon Search. All submissions are peer-reviewed and held to the high standards exhibited in the agricultural and applied economics profession. The scope of the journal extends to teaching and education contributions and materials for undergraduate and graduate education, as well as Extension and adult education. AETR will seek the following contributions:

  1. Case Studies in all areas of applied and agricultural economics, and agribusiness economics and management
  2. Teaching and Extension education scholarship and research
  3. Classroom and field educational innovation (e.g. classroom games, online teaching tools, Extension applications, decision aides, experiential learning activities, and other interactive learning innovations)
  4. Teaching and education commentaries (e.g. notes on pedagogy, evaluations of teaching effectiveness, curriculum development, and educational methodology).

All articles accepted by AETR are published open access under creative commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International). For more information, see

The journal editors are Jason Bergtold at Kansas State University ( and Na Zuo from the University of Arizona ( The journal is distributed through AgEconSearch. The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, REPEC, EconLit, the Database of Open Access Journals, and AGRICOLA. Authors are able to track impacts through both anonymous, open-access downloads on AgEconSearch and controlled access to instructor downloads of teaching notes and supplementary materials. Authors with requestable teaching notes and supplemental materials are emailed each year about requests, downloads and number of students who the material was being used to teach and engage.

Journal Stats

In 2021, the journal had 49 requests for teaching notes and supplementary documents reaching an estimated 1940 students across national and international institutions of higher education.

  • Journal Indexing: AgEcon Search, Agricola, Google Scholar, Database of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Econlit, REPEC.
  • Days to First Decision (including first peer review): 76 days
  • Average number of downloads and views on AgEcon Search and the journal web page: 98 per article.
  • Journal H-Index: 6
  • Number of undergraduate students at national and international institutions of higher education reached:
    • 2019 – 150 students
    • 2020 – 990 students
    • 2021 – 1,900 students
    • 2022 – 2,655 students
    • 2023 -- 2,873 students
  • Average Number of Requests per article in 2022 with requestable downloads – 2.5 (Range of 1 to 8 for articles with a download)


Jason Bergtold (2018-2026)
Kansas State University

Na Zuo (2024-2028)
University of Arizona

Editorial Board

James Sterns
Oregon State University
Sierra Howry
University of Wisconsin – River Falls
Kenrett Jefferson-Moore
North Carolina A & T University
Rodney Jones
Oklahoma State University
Hernan Tejeda
University of Idaho
Kate Brooks
University of Nebraska-Lincoln


The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics.

Members of the AAEA are employed by academic or government institutions, as well as in industry and not-for-profit organizations, and engage in a variety of teaching, research, and extension/outreach activities. Their work addresses a broad range of topics such as the economics of agriculture, international and rural development, resources and the environment, food and consumer issues, and agribusiness.

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