Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Case Study

To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild When Disaster Hits

Jada M. Thompson(a), Misti D. Sharp(b), and Jonathan C. Walton(c)
(a)University of Arkansas, (b)University of Florida, (c)University of Tennessee

JEL Codes: Q454
Keywords: Decision-making, leadership, management, poultry

First Published Online: December 11, 2023
Volume 5, Issue 2

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The management decision process is often complex and multidimensional with various competing factors. The type of leadership, the approach for analysis, and a priori beliefs factor into decision making. This case provides an example of how multifaceted management decisions are in the context of profitability, risk, uncertainty, succession, and leadership frameworks using a comprehensive economic analysis for a fictional poultry operation. Students are asked to apply concepts in financial analysis, risks analysis, and critical thinking to provide a realistic management decision based on all these concepts. The issues in the case relate to natural disasters, farm succession planning, leadership frameworks, and farm survivability. The case provides flexibility in approach and concept rigor based on the course.

About the Author: Jada M. Thompson is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas (Correspondence email: Misti D. Sharp is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Florida. Jonathan C. Walton is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Tennessee. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Shelby Rider for his help and contributions to this manuscript. The University of Florida IRB approved this study as exempt on September 14, 2021 (IRB2202101971). The case was developed as an output from the USDA-NIFA- Higher Education Grant (Project 2019-700003-29092) funded “Preparing Organizational Leaders in Agriculture” (POLA) project. The aim was to prepare faculty to integrate leadership development skills in their courses with the focus on natural disasters. This case was the result of participation in the project. The material and study in the article was reviewed by the IRB at the University of Florida (IRB2202101971).

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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