Teaching and Educational Methods
Training Underrepresented Students via an Interdisciplinary Food Safety Outreach Program
Jeta Rudi-Polloshka(a), Amanda Lathrop(b), Karen Cannon(c) and Erin Krier(d)
Michigan State University (a), California Polytechnic State University (b), K.J. Cannon Consulting (c), Allan Hancock College (d)
JEL Codes: A12, A21, A22, A23
Keywords: Diversity, food safety, outreach, students
First Published Online: December 13, 2023
Volume 5, Issue 4
Many higher education institutions strive to provide applied training to their students, such as by encouraging internships and including experiential learning activities in courses. This article summarizes students’ participation in an outreach program as an alternative form of receiving applied training while attending college. Funded by a governmental grant and implemented by faculty and students, an interdisciplinary food safety outreach program provided a learn-by-doing opportunity to students. This article summarizes students’ participation in the project under the leadership of faculty and concludes with a brief list of best practices for involving students in similar future projects.
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Awareness and Usage of Extension and Outreach Programs
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Does Exam Formatting Affect Grades in Online Agricultural Marketing Courses?
Juan Pachon, Bachir Kassas, John Lai, Gulcan Onel
Training Underrepresented Students via an Interdisciplinary Food Safety Outreach Program
Jeta Rudi-Polloshka, Amanda Lathrop, Karen Cannon and Erin Krier
Market Power in the U.S. Peanut Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova
To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild When Disaster Hits
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