Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

Demand Dashboards: Interactive Tools to Communicate Consumer Behavior

Justin D. Bina(a) and Glynn T. Tonsor(a)
(a)Kansas State University

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: Q11, Q13, Q19
Keywords: Dashboard, extension education, meat demand

Publish Date: November 27, 2023
Volume 6, Issue 1

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A publicly available dashboard is developed and discussed as an alternative, time-efficient approach to extension education, reflecting an intersection of survey design methods, statistical analysis, and web application development. The dashboard targets consumer behavior in the U.S. meat sector and serves as a dynamic and easily accessible source of market information for users with unique data needs and limited time. An overview of the dashboard and examples of its value to industry professionals are provided.

About the Author: Justin D. Bina ( is with the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University. Glynn T. Tonsor is a Professor with the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University. Acknowledgements: The research and materials provided here have been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at Kansas State University (Proposal #9970).

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA

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